"And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among (in) them" - Exodus 25:8
Why Study the Tabernacle of Moses?
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,
But the glory of kings is to search out a matter. (Proverbs 25:2)
respect to the Tabernacle of Moses - its very structure, furniture and
material; God in His glory had concealed and veiled some important
eternal truths.
Revelation 1:6 tells us that, Lord Jesus Christ “has made us kings and priests to His God and Father”
Revelation 5:9-10 tells us that the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb (ie Lord Jesus)
9 And they sang a new song, saying:
“You are worthy to take the scroll,
And to open its seals;
For You were slain,
And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
10 And have made us kings and priests to our God;
And we shall reign on the earth.”
So then as Kings and and Priests unto God and His Christ it becomes an honour to search out these
glorious truths.
glorious truths.
serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things, as Moses was divinely
instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle. For He said, “See
that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the
mountain.” (Hebrews 8:5)
are really happening in the heavenly dimension and the Lord wants to
reveal to us what took place in heaven after the resurrection of Christ.
There is a real tabernacle in the heavenlies and Christ really appeared
before the throne of heaven as the Lamb of God (Rev 5).
Tabernacle of Moses was a pattern of heavenly realities - the Heavenly
Tabernacle. So it makes sense to study something that is patterned after
something in heaven.
The Tearing of the Veil
God Himself thought so much of the importance of the type, as shown by the tearing of the veil:
27:50-51 And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up
His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from
top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split,
we don't understand the meaning in Scripture of the holy of holies and
the veil we miss out on extremely significant information concerning
exactly what Christ's death meant to sinful mankind.
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